Thursday, February 19, 2015

Artboy is Artsad

Last night, I sent three emails to The Man. I was requesting "approval" to install a sculpture on which I'm working on campus. The project is to put the viewer in the place of someone with depression by blocking the path ahead of them but leaving a small hole to see through to where they want to be. I'm really excited about doing this, as I've never done anything like it before, but it's hard to do at a school.

The Man told me NO.

The Man told me it was unsafe to put a wall up blocking the busiest path on campus.

The Man told me to use a different, less traveled pathway.

The Man told me everything I already knew.

Come on, The Man, I know it's inconvenient. I know it would be difficult for the grounds department to shovel snow in that area. The damn thing only works if people are frustrated and confused. Only then will they be forced to think about what's going on, not to mention take the time to look at it at all!

This is a sad day for Artboy.


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