Monday, April 20, 2015

An Exciting New World ! ! !

I transformed pieces of my basement into an oddly navigable path using entirely digital means.

I think the definition between a 'space' and a 'place' is one that is not always well-defined, but I wanted to question their meaning (not necessarily provide an answer). Michel de Certeau, in his bible The Practice of Everyday Life, expresses places as "fragmentary and inward-turning histories, pasts that others are not allowed to read, accumulated times that can be unfolded but like stories held in reserve, remaining in an enigmatic state, symbolizations encysted in the pain or pleasure of the body." Now what the hell does that mean. I think what I took from it is the idea of a place separate from the space it takes up; where a space is worldly and physical and

a place = space + association/meaning

This image fragments the space (namely, a crummy basement) and reassembles them into an imaginary place in which the visual aspects originally associated with the space now are removed from that reality and transferred to the idea of the place. Right?

Check out a weirder version on my newhive page.

Don't go away! Stay tuned for more – I like this project.


  1. The images associated with a basement are strong here -- but I can't figure out where you are (even though I share a house with this basement). The icons of basement are all present, but the space itself is confused.

  2. I really dig this image. It's so trippy and I think that is owed to not only your photoshop skills but also your conscious choosing how to take the pictures and what to take them of. There was a sense of randomness in the capturing of each photo and that created something beautiful in the end. Bravo.

  3. This is such a cool art piece! The images all blend really well together. I'm amazed at how 3D and layered you were able to make this look. The piece is a little unsettling with the dark hole into nothing and the pipes leading into darkness, but I guess basements themselves are pretty unsettling.

  4. I thought your panorama type picture was awesome. I love the detail that comes through when you zoom into the image but I also like how when you step back and look at the piece of a whole it transforms into something completely different.

  5. For me, the presentation of this photo is almost as intriguing as the actual photo. Because it takes up so much space lengthwise, and because the space above and below are so extensive, it almost makes me feel trapped within the photo.

  6. For me, the presentation of this photo is almost as intriguing as the actual photo. Because it takes up so much space lengthwise, and because the space above and below are so extensive, it almost makes me feel trapped within the photo.

  7. I like how, despite these being different images in slightly different locations and you could run into the issue of there being clear divisions between each photograph, you scrubbed those lines out and made the photographs look like that they all meld and altogether give panorama some weird, dynamic dimensions that make the whole thing feel almost alive and certainly lived in.
